There are the first important characters of Cosmic Rules
Name: Kao Enn (KA-OH N)
Age: 17 SpYears
Birth Planet: Bambuu (BA-M-BU)
Kao Enn is the main character and is the captain of the Psi Creed Space Pirates.
His mother is a Bambuunean but his father is a Human, from "a far way planet called Earth".
Kao decided to be a Space Pirate when he had knowledge of the treasure called Stardust, because whith this treasure he could filfill a desire. Among some wishes, one of the most important to Kao is to know his father's planet and his father himself.
He has the power to use s-ray and laser beams. He had a scar on his face due to the discovery of his power. He is very fond of his power, because with their perverted mentality, he spies girls using x-ray vision.
Although he is horny, he defends what he believes are the victims of injustice and he is a friend on whom others can rely.
Kao chose the name Psi Creed fir his crew because he believes in "Psi force", a force which he believes leads people to believe in the impossible.
Name: Occa Goo (OCA GU)
Age: 17 SpYears
Birth Planet: Gorka (GOR-CA)
Occa Goo is the first to join Kao Enn to the Psi Creed Crew.
He's a Gorkian that loves technology. He's the one who build the Psi Creed's Spaceship called Sonic Wing Wing and is the one who creates the navigator system for the spaceship called Emma.
Occa is an expert user of tools and weapons. He uses on his back his inseparable MWM (Mighty Weapons Morpher) that uses for everything, from tools to weapon.
Besides being very good with wepons, he has super strength and has the ability to use his spigot arm as weapon.
Although he is very strong, it looks to be out of trouble and strife.
He joined the crew in order to meet and collect all the rare technology around the universe.
Name: Gatia Sasly (GA-TI-A SA-SS-LI)
Age: 17 SpYears
Birth Planet: Romas'in (RO-MASS-IN)
Gatia is a beautyful slave girl who is involved in the slave trade of the southern Orion System.
Kao and Occa know Gatia when they see her being physically and mentally abused by other space pirates.
She is saved by her two new friends and is the third to join to Psi Creed. She has a fake symbol of Stardust in her belt, who make Kao Enn angry with the slavers.
Although she is shy and submissive to slave traders, she is very strong, can fly and use mental powers, which she uses to create illusions and control objects.
She feels bad being the smallest Romassian of her planet, even though almost two meters tall.
That's the Pirate Spaceship of the Psi Creed. It was built by Occa Goo and is called Sonic Wing.
Occa Goo put in it his creation, a naviator system with intelligence called Emma.
Compared to other Spaceships, Sonic Wing is small, however, it's capable to take on board more than 50 people.
The Spaceship hasn't glass windows, but has the skill to make an invisible fillter inside, to make the crew look to the outside.
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