segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2016

Characters - Part 7

More Cosmic Rules' Characters...i mean, only one, for now =P

Name: Morgakna
Age: 29 SpYears
Birth Planet: Arachno

Morgakna is a female slave, property of Timonei Upara. However, Morgakna started to feel in love with the bandit and now she, although she's a slave, she fights alongside her master and lover.
She do not remember how her birth planet is, because she was found in the Market Asteroid, by Timonei Upara, as a baby (Timonei has 10 SpYears old that time), because of that, she do not know her family name.
Morgakna, as all the Arachnid race, is almost imune to psychic powers. She can fly, and use cutting techniques and poison with it!

Chapter 10-->I'll Save My Nakama

Chapter 10