The Space Rangers are the "Police" of the Space. They try to capture Space Criminals like Pirates. As all the "Police", the Space Pirates have hierarchy.
The Logo is simple. Is a planet with a ring and Spaceship Wings. In the front is a Space Ruby, the Stone used by the Rangers to give energy for the Ships and Weapons.
Space Rangers' Outfit
Basic Oficial Outfit: Silver armor, wrists' lasers and boots. The Belt has a recharge of Space Ruby Energy. Blue pants and a fair full harms shirt, however, some Space Rangers do not use shirt under the armor.
1- Regual Space Ranger: Basic Outfit
2- Captains and Lieutenants: Silver and Red Armor. Logo in the left chest.
3- Vice Admiral: Same as Outfit Number 2, but with an extra Golden armor and small cape
4- Admiral: Same as Number 3, but with a big cape
5- Same as Number 4, but with a Gold full chest extra cape.